A dog is prone to getting some ear infections in its everyday life. Considering that a dog passes through flowers, roads and other places that have pollen grains, dust and other particles, it is easy to see why a dog would have such an infection. For the dogs that have looped ears, the catching of an infection is rather an easy thing because grime tends to form on the inside part of the flap thereby creating an opportune time for an infection to come.
There are mainly two causes of infections in dogs, the bacteria and the yeast. Yeast infection in dogs ears is characterized by itching, redness of the ear, swollen ear flaps, scratching at the ears, pain when the mouth is opened and head shaking among others. There is also the bacterial cause to infections which is characterized by the same features but in this case there is an unusual discharge which is unlike the yeast one which is normally dry. When it comes to treating such an infection, a person should know the type of infection that their dog is suffering from as well as the ways through which to use in order to treat the same. In this case, it is of paramount importance that a person contacts a doctor so as to get the proper diagnosis and treatment of the same for their dog.
Treating yeast infection in dogs ears is the other big step that a person can undertake but if with the right diagnosis. In order to do the job right, a person should have the following tools of trade. There must be hemostat, cotton swabs; this is just for cleaning the ear and not treating it. because the inside of the ear is sore, no alcohol or any alcohol related product should be used as this would only serve to make the dog feel pain while not treating it. Care should be taken not to use Q-Tip swabs which tend to push the debris further into the ear rather than removing it.
After proper cleaning has been conducted in the ears, it becomes pretty easy for the vet to diagnose the infection or the extent to which it has gone. In the treatment of the yeast infection in dogs ears, it is very important to establish whether the eardrums are ruptured or not.
The otoscopic test certainly provides the results desired. Depending on the extent to which the dog’s ear infection has affected the ears, the first phase of treating them is normally to reduce the inflammation. This is done by administering antifungal and antibiotics.