A dog can easily get an ear infection. There are several reasons why such is possible given that a dog is ever on the move. A person will first notice that the dog’s ears have some excessive wax and that the dog tends to scratch on the years a lot. There are several conditions that bring about the existence of dog ear yeast infection which include allergies, bacterial infection, a ruptured eardrum or even a trapped object inside the ear.
The doctor should easily be able to determine the source of the yeast and thereby giving them a good way to treating the same. There could be underlying conditions that must be addressed and which are bringing about the existence of yeast in a dog’s ear but the first thing will always to treat the infection.
The dog ear yeast infection is normally caused by the way the ear canal is structured. The canal goes downward immediately from the ear opening. This means that yeast and other bacteria find this a very favorable place to grow. the other conditions that might promote the getting of yeast infections in dogs include cigarette smoke, feathers, pollen, cleaning products, mold, dust or if the dog is bathed a lot as well as swimming among other reasons.
When the yeast affects different parts of the ear, the dog will be affected differently. The outer attack on the ear will normally just cause the irritation and probably the redness of the ear. When the middle of the ear is infected, the dog might lose its balance. The dog ear yeast infection in the middle ear is dangerous as it can easily spread to the inner ear. The inner ear if infected can make the dog to go deaf. The detection of yeast early will definitely this serious effect. When yeast affects the other parts of the body of a dog, it is easy to notice it because the skin turns red and there is a lot of scratching.
In many instances, the owner will find it easy to notice the yeast infection in a dog thus making it easy on dog ear yeast infection. A person will first notice some brown, yellow or even bloody discharge from the dog’s ears. There will be some sort of odor coming from the ears as well as the reddening of the ears. A person will notice that there will be loss of hair on the ear flap and around the ear. There will also be loss of balance, loss of hearing and probably the most obvious being walking in circles or unusual movements.