It is common to have ear infection in dogs. The best a dog will do is to try and scratch the ear as much as they can but more often than not, this doesn’t bear great results. The ear infections in dogs is normally caused by bacteria or yeast, the bacterial infections are characterized by redness of the ear, having unusual discharge and at times having excessive amount of the same, soreness and pain. The yeast caused infection on the other hand will be characterized by the same symptoms as those of bacteria save for that they are dry and itchy.
A dog will have many parasites attacking it and it is very important to be removing these parasites every so often. A dog will definitely have a hard time removing a flea or a tick but upon being kept in hygienic conditions, chances of these parasites attacking the dog will be very low. Ear infection in dogs will be easily prevented if every so often or whenever the dog wanders into the woods, it is checked for parasites. More than this, a dog is supposed to be cleaned every so often.
Ideally, a dog should be cleaned every week or at most every fortnight. The dogs that are most prone to getting ear infection include those that live in humid areas. The dogs that have floppy ears are also prone to getting grime and dirt under the flaps thereby increasing their chances of getting an infection.
There are numerous ways by which a person can tell an ear infection in dogs. The first way to knowing that the dog has such an infection is by just checking the dogs ears. This way, a person will notice the discharge or the rashness or even the reddens of the ears. The other way of detecting that a dog is infected is when it goes round and round for no particular reason. A person can also tell that their pet has an infection when they notice that it is scratching its ears excessively.
Treating ear infection in dogs is another thing that a person must always consider. Whereas, the treating of the infection might be easy, is should be acknowledged that such an infection can always be a sign or symptom of another serious problem. Whenever an infection is noticed, the owner of the dog should make every effort to take it to the veterinary as soon as possible. Still, cleaning the infection can be a starting point. By using a recommended solution which should never be alcoholic can be used to clean the ears. A person should also use cotton buds and hemostats when cleaning the eras.