A dog definitely prides itself when it is able to hear all that comes to its way before it can see it. The pet owners also notice that the ears of their pet serve a very important role when it comes to conducting its daily functions. Oftentimes when a dog is infected by some disease around the ears or when it is attacked by some parasite like a tick, it may have a great deal of discomfort and the end result usually having a rather bored dog to contend with. When one considers how to clean dogs ears, it is important that they also take good note of the causes of such infections.
When a dog is taking a stroll every other day, there are dust particles that fly and which enter the ears. Such particles could be allergic to the dog or they could be having some microorganisms that can cause such infections. Because the inside of the ear of a dog exists some wax just like there is almost every other animal, this dirt particles stick on the inside of the ear. The infection can either be yeast or bacteria based. Based on the fact that any dog can get infected as far as the ears are concerned, it is of imperative importance that their ears are cleaned every so often. Normally a doctor recommends that the cleaning be done every once a week or biweekly.
In learning how to clean dogs ears today, a person only needs to have the basic tools and other products in order to carry out an effective cleaning procedure. Some of the tools of performing the job include cotton bulbs, a recommended solution which must be prescribed by a doctor and hemostats. Care should be taken not to buy the Q-Tip swabs which in many occasions rather than help on the how to clean dogs ears, they push the debris further into the ear.
The actual cleaning of the dog involves making the dog lie on the ground and doing some cajoling to convince it that the cleaning procedure is not so bad.
After successfully having convinced the dog of the importance to stay put and to let the owner work on the ears, the solution from the doctor is pour into the base of the ears. Some rubbing is done to the base of the ears for some time. After releasing the dog, it will shake its head thoroughly which will allow the debris to loosen out and even to get some out of the ear. Use the cotton to now clean the ear and use a clean piece every time until the last one comes out without wax or debris.