Dogs often have ear infections. If not regularly then at least once in their lifetime they will have an ear infection. Given that dogs encounter numerous environments that expose them to these infections, it is important that a person appreciates the causes before going to the symptoms. Dog ear infection symptoms always come after the ear of a dog has been attacked by bacteria or yeast. Any of these parasites or harmful components can come from getting attacked by parasites such as ticks or fleas. Some dogs have allergies to certain chemical compounds or microorganisms such as those found in pollen or even grime and dust. It is also good to note that dos with pendulous ears are more prone to getting this infection.
Here are the major symptoms that characterize an ear infection in a dog;
The dog will rub its head and face against the floor. This will be more likely if the infection it has came about because it was caused by some yeast. The scratching of the years is another one of the dog ear infection symptoms which come about if the dog is attacked by some yeast causing infection.
The dog will be trying to shake its head in an effort to get rid of whatever that is inside its ear. Given that a dog can’t remove anything from its ear, this is quite understandable.
If one of the dog ear infection symptoms is having some abnormal discharge from the ear canals which can be green, brown, yellow and containing pus, then the dog has been attacked by bacteria. Some of the other characteristics that come with this discharge are that it is unusual granular, dry, crumbly and resembling coffee grounds.
The inside of the dog’s ears will have a lot of wax in the ear canal. This is what a person will need to clean but carefully so as not to damage the canal or the eardrum. Moreover, there will be some abnormal smell coming from the years. This will be accentuated by having the ear flaps getting swollen.
The other dog ear infection symptoms will include the dog having ulcers of skin erosions. These erosions will be characterized with weeping or scabbed sores. There will also be hair loss in and around the ears. The dog will also be in pain when the years are touched or are manipulated. There will also be pain when the mouth is opened as well as loss of coordination.
The dog will tend to be going round and round for no particular reason. More than that, there will be some discharge from the eyes as well as the nose.